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FAQ and problem solver for the Ti-84 Plus (CE)

Tips, hints, and recommendations if you have problems with your Ti84 

The Ti-84 Basic programs of this website are sometimes very extensive and require sometimes a lot of memory space. If problems occur, you can usually solve them with the recommendations on this page.

Before you install a program, you must unzip it if you have downloaded the program from the website. Programs work on both the Ti-84 plus CE, and the Ti-84 plus (silver edition). It should be noted that the Ti-84 plus CE is 2 times faster than the Ti-84 plus and has more memory space available.

For each program, it is recommended to try the examples on the website first to get used to the programs.

1: To install the programs on your calculator you need a USB cable, and you have to install the program

TI connect (CE) on your computer, which can be downloaded from the Texas Instrument website:

With the program Ti-connect(CE) you can edit programs, download programs and install programs on your Ti.

2: ​Make sure you have at least 8,000 RAM free on your TI. Running programs, such as a first-order differential equation solver, can take some time, so be patient.

3: Don't install too much programs on the calculator, as memory problems can occur, see point 4.

4:Save the programs on your computer's hard drive or a USB stick when you don't need them, or archive them on your calculator.

5:  Spend time getting used to a program by trying out the examples on this website.

Ti84-users : If you have errors when running a program, the Applications : Inequalz and Transform can cause trouble, so it is best to archive or remove them.

6: Deleting programs or applications:

a: type 2nd Mem

b: Choose Mem, nr2: MGMT/DEL, nr 7 : Programs, enter and choose the program you want to delete, type DEL and answer Yes if you really want to delete the program

c: Deleting Applications works in the same way, but now you choose "Application" instead of "Program".

7: The program ADEFAULT.8XP resets your calculator without losing programs or apps. To avoid issues with your calculator, install this program on your Ti-84. It is very important to download this program because it solves nearly all your Problems on your Ti 84. Be aware that the default setting after running the program is mode complex (a+bi) and radian.

8: Solving problems with complex numbers

If you will be sure of the right results, use mode RADIAN when solving problems with complex numbers.

9: We would like to hear from you if you have any questions or wishes or self-made programs which are a welcome addition to the programs of this website than: 

Send a mail to:

Download the program Adefault.8xp to clean your machine and avoid issues.

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